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Most Common Client Questions Answered

Do I need any previous experience?

No previous experience is needed for any of our courses or trainings.

What types of results can I expect?

With our breathing exercises you can increase your knowledge base and gain a greater insight into how important breathing is to us throughout the day. What great effects breathing can have on our life and health if we are not aware of it. In addition to this, the individual will learn to manage stress and anxiety, relaxation and be in better control of energy levels and well-being.

Stress Reduction

Many breathwork techniques emphasize deep, controlled breathing patterns. These techniques activate the body’s relaxation response and can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are commonly associated with ADHD.

Focus and Attention
Certain breathwork practices involve mindful breathing, which can enhance focus and concentration. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with sustaining attention, and practicing mindfulness through breathwork can help improve their ability to concentrate.

Individuals with ADHD often experience difficulty in regulating their emotions and impulses. Breathwork can provide a tool for self-regulation by promoting calmness and enhancing emotional awareness.

Breathwork Sessions, Live Coaching & Monthly Coaching, Breathwork Teacher Training, Breathing Techniques & Methods. Breath Tests, Respiratory Tests, Lung Capacity Test, Breathwork Classes, Breathwork Course. Breathe right, Live right!
When is it appropriate to do breathing exercises?
Some do it in the morning, during the day, during a break, in the evening, before bedtime. There are different breathing exercises for different times and occasions.
How long does a breathing exercise take?
Between 5-15 minutes for beginners.
When is it appropriate to do breathing exercises?
Some do it in the morning, during the day, during a break, in the evening, before bedtime. There are different breathing exercises for different times and occasions.
Is there any other time to do the Breathwork Teacher Training?
Yes, send us a mail at: Nordicbreathworkacademy@hotmail.com with you inquaires and we’ll reach back to you as soon as possible.
Can Breathwork be beneficial for ADHD?
Yes, breathwork techniques can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in promoting relaxation and managing symptoms.
Cognitive Clarity
Deep, deliberate breathing patterns can increase oxygen levels in the brain, leading to improved cognitive function. This can help individuals with ADHD think more clearly and make better decisions.
Stimulant Alternative
Some people with ADHD are prescribed stimulant medications. Breathwork can offer a natural, non-pharmacological approach to managing symptoms, serving as a complementary technique to medication or an alternative for those seeking drug-free options.
Improved Sleep
Breathwork can aid in improving sleep quality, which is often disrupted in individuals with ADHD. Better sleep can lead to improved overall functioning during waking hours.
Where is the best place to do breathing exercises?
We recommend that you find a place that is comfortable and quiet where you can relax and focus on your breathing. We do not recommend doing breathing exercises in places that may pose a danger, in the car, in the water, in the sauna, etc.
Once you have found a comfortable and quiet place, you will be guided through the breathing exercise, relax, observe and listen.
Is Wim Hof ​​good for ADHD?
Wim Hof ​​breathing exercises can be very relaxing and help calm our minds, so yes.
Why do I cry during breathing exercises?
You are not the first! Tears flowing during breathing exercises can be very common. What happens is we dive deeper into our mind and body and let go of things we may have been holding on to, here we can reach emotional relaxation and release.
Can I Request Refund?

All sales are final after purchase, there are no refunds.

Can breathing techniques and methods help strengthen lungs?

Yes, breathing techniques and methods can help strengthen the lungs. Here are some ways in which they can be beneficial:

Deep Breathing | Deep breathing exercises help increase lung capacity. When you take deep breaths, you fully inflate your lungs and engage the diaphragm, which can help improve lung function over time.

Diaphragmatic Breathing | This technique focuses on using the diaphragm, a muscle at the base of the lungs, to breathe deeply. It helps increase the efficiency of each breath and can improve lung strength.

Transformative Courses in Swedish and English: Your Choice for Personal Growth
At Nordic Breathwork Academy, we are proud to offer our courses in both Swedish and English. We believe in making our transformative teachings accessible to a global audience. Whether you prefer learning in your native language or want to expand your horizons with English, we’re here to support your personal growth journey in the language that suits you best. Choose the language that resonates with you and embark on a path to inner peace, vitality, and holistic well-being.
Can Breathwork be used as a Alternative Medicine?
It’s important to remember that while breathwork offers many benefits, it is not a substitute for medical care. Consult healthcare professionals for medical conditions, and consider integrating breathwork as a complementary approach. Always prioritize your well-being and consult with qualified healthcare providers when needed.
Can you loose weight by breathing better?
While breathing exercises and conscious breathing can be valuable components of a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to understand that they are not typically the primary method for weight loss. Weight loss is primarily achieved through a combination of factors, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity. 1- Stress Reduction: Stress can lead to emotional eating and weight gain. Breathing exercises, such as deep breathing or mindfulness meditation, can help reduce stress levels, potentially decreasing the tendency to overeat due to stress. 2- Mindful Eating: Conscious breathing can enhance mindfulness, which is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. When you eat mindfully, you’re more likely to savor your food and eat in moderation, which can contribute to better weight management. 3- Improved Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for weight management. Breathing exercises can help improve sleep quality, which, in turn, may support healthy weight. 4- Energy Levels: Deep breathing exercises can increase oxygen intake and improve energy levels, potentially making it easier to engage in physical activity and burn calories. 5- Relaxation: Proper breathing techniques can promote relaxation and reduce emotional eating triggers, contributing to better weight control. While conscious breathing can be a valuable part of a holistic approach to health and well-being, it should be combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise for effective weight management. Always consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any weight loss program or making significant changes to your lifestyle.
Can Breathwork Help With Bad Breath?
Yes by being consistent with nose breathing exercises we can start to breathe with the nose more often. Its kind of reprogramming, we will sooner or later reach the state in which we are “only” breathing with the nose (night and day). Persistent mouth breathing can contribute to bad breath (halitosis) in some cases. When you breathe through your mouth, especially during sleep, it can lead to a dry mouth. A dry mouth reduces saliva production, which normally helps clean and moisten the oral cavity. Saliva contains enzymes that break down food particles and bacteria, preventing them from causing odor. Without enough saliva, bacteria can thrive in the mouth, leading to the production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which are responsible for unpleasant odors associated with bad breath.
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